Speaking of History:The Words of South Carolina Librarians

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Listen to Lillie S. Walker

Lillie S. Walker talks about her experience as a high school librarian.

RW: How big is this high school now?

LW:Well, it's on East Bar Street now. It's very large. At that time it was the Lancaster Training School, and the library was in a basement under the principal's house. His house was about two stories...a large house...two stories. And the basement housed the library collections. We had brick floors, cemented brick. It was terrible. I had three rooms, and I had a LOT of old novels that someone had given the library. So, I had taken the book collection and didn't know any better than to weed that collection, so I destroyed I don't know how many old, old, just old light novels. Someone from Columbia came in and they questioned me, wanting to know why the inventory had dropped so drastically. I showed them what I had done, and some of the books were still there that I was still in the process of weeding, and they couldn't believe it. They told me that they wished I had been there earlier, because that junk that we had, we really didn't need it, and I tell you, it was something like this. It was a combination high school elementary school, and public library all in one. That's why we had a lot of gifts. A lot of people gave a lot of gifts. But the basic things that we needed -- and I remember this -- they would not let us subscribe to the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. This was a FACT!

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