Sources | Meetings | Publications of SCLA | SCLA Awards
Friend of Libraries Award | Baker & Taylor Grassroots Award
SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award | New Professional Award | Outstanding Librarian

     The year was 1915. In May a German submarine had sunk the British passenger liner Lusitania, killing 128 Americans and making America's entry into the great war in Europe no longer unthinkable. Somerset Maugham wrote Of Human Bondage, and D. W. Griffith produced the epic movie Birth of a Nation. On Thanksgiving eve, William Joseph Simmons, a fraternal organizer, climbed to the top of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Georgia, and established a new version of the Ku Klux Klan.
     In South Carolina Richard Manning, a new reform governor, was in the first year of a term that would bring significant improvements in education, labor law, medical care, roads, and penal reform. At the same time, the wartime demand for cotton boosted South Carolina's economy.
     The spirit of reform and an improved economy in South Carolina must have encouraged those who were hoping for increased public support for libraries. One of these was Robert M. Kennedy, University of South Carolina Librarian. In January, 1914, Kennedy made a speech to Kershaw County educators in which he deplored the condition of library service in the state. According to Kennedy, only five towns had libraries which could truly be called free, and South Carolina was one of only eleven states with no state library commission. Calling for the development of city-county library systems and a state commission to provide aid, he offered the University of South Carolina Library as a "clearing house of information" for the organization of a public library movement.
     The next March Kennedy and Marion Public Librarian, Louise McMaster, with the assistance of longtime library supporter Judge Charles A. Woods of Marion, obtained passage of a legislative act, written by Miss McMaster, which allowed townships, counties, and municipal corporations to levy a two mill tax in support of libraries.
     On October 27, 1915, fourteen librarians and library supporters met in the University of South Carolina Library in response to an invitation from Kennedy published the previous day in the State newspaper. Those present voted unanimously to establish the South Carolina Library Association, the purposes of which would be "to arouse and stimulate an interest in the development of libraries, to be a medium of information in (that) regard..., and to bring into touch her library force that they may gather additional strength and inspiration for the work."
     The group approved a constitution and elected the following officers: President, Robert M. Kennedy; Vice-President, Katherine B. Trescot (Librarian, Clemson College); Secretary, Louise McMaster; and Treasurer, Alexander S. Salley, Jr. (State Archivist). They also appointed a committee to "memorialize" the Legislature in support of a bill to create a state library commission. In addition to the fourteen present, the hand-written minutes contain the names of fourteen others listed as charter members.
     Although the new group's membership included academic librarians and representatives from archives, museums, and subscription libraries, its primary goal was the creation of public libraries. Its membership agreed with Andrew Carnegie that "free libraries are the best agencies for improving the masses of the people."
     Its early meetings reflected the initial concern with public library development. For instance, at the second meeting in Columbia in 1917, the Association heard the first guest speaker, Mary Palmer of the Charlotte Carnegie Library, speak on "What a public library means to a town." Minnie Leatherman, secretary of the North Carolina Library Commission, spoke on her work, and Alexander S. Salley spoke on "Some practical hints on conducting a public library."
     To extend public library service throughout a predominately rural state, the members of the Association also realized that some kind of state aid would be necessary, so a long struggle ensued to establish a state library commission, or board, to dispense funding. In the early years these efforts ran into a number of roadblocks, including World War I and the Great Depression. When, for instance, it came time to report on the efforts of the special committee working on a state library commission bill in 1917, Alexander Salley, the committee chairman, admitted that he "had not considered the time auspicious on account of certain conditions (World War I) and that consequently the bill had not been pressed."
     World War I forced postponement of further meetings until 1921, when the Association held its third meeting at Darlington, with seventeen members present. Library extension was a major topic, with talks by Nancy Ellerbe of the Marion Public Library, Mrs. Pratt Pierson of the Gaffney Public Library, and Charlotte Templeton, then of the Georgia Library Commission. Another feature of the Darlington meeting was an automobile tour to the historic Society Hill Library. Automobile tours continued to be a fixture in the entertainment schedules of most early meetings.
     The minutes of the 1924 meeting in Greenville include the first written record of college and public librarians dividing into separate roundtables to discuss their unique problems. The Association also resolved to affiliate with the American Library Association, a step it was not able to accomplish until 1944.
     At the 1927 meeting in Columbia the members heard addresses by Mary Utopia Rothrock, Librarian of the Lawson McGhee Library of Knoxville, Tennessee, and Julia W. Merrill of the American Library Association. Mrs. C. P. McGowan, Chairman of the South Carolina Inter-racial Committee on Library Service for Negroes, also spoke.
     The economic depression which engulfed the nation in the 1930s struck the agricultural South a decade earlier and deterred state aid for libraries. Members of the Association introduced a bill in the General Assembly in 1924 calling for a state library commission, but it was not until 1929, through the efforts of Mary E. Frayser, a rural sociologist with the Winthrop agricultural extension program, that a bill was finally passed.
     The bill called for a state library "association" (the Legislature was suspicious of commissions) with a five-member board of directors to encourage public library development and find ways to extend library service to rural areas. The board was authorized to appoint a secretary, who would be an experienced librarian, and collect statistics of public library growth. The board was also allowed to accept donations or membership fees, but no money was appropriated for its support.
     With the help of donations from the Rosenwald Fund and members of the South Carolina Library Association, the new board was able to raise money to provide five thousand dollars a year for a three year program which employed a field agent to travel around the state giving workshops, providing booklists, and promoting public library service. Parmelee Cheves served as the first field agent from 1929 to 1932.
     The 1930 SCLA meeting in Greenville focused on the possibility of cooperative fund-raising with a citizens library association. Dr. Frank P. Graham of the University of North Carolina spoke on the work of such a group in his state, and Charlotte Templeton, now of Greenville Public Library, and Lucy Hampton of Richland County Library spoke of plans to form a citizens group in South Carolina. The Association approved the appointment of a committee to work with a citizens library group.
     At the 1933 Charleston meeting, Tommy Dora Barker, Director of the Emory University Library School, made the first of several appearances. It also marked the first time that high school librarians held a separate roundtable.
     In 1933 Mary Frayser published her Libraries in South Carolina, a Clemson extension bulletin, which detailed how little progress the state had made in extending public library service. According to her report, only five counties had county-wide service, and the sum total of the state's public library collection was 304,756 volumes, or one-fifth book per capita.
     The publication of her report led to a landmark conference at Clemson in January, 1934, which was co-sponsored by Clemson, the State Library Board, and SCLA. The result of this meeting was the formation of the South Carolina Citizens Library Association, a group which continued to press for state funding for public libraries until the early 1940s.
     In 1934 the state library law was extended to include regional libraries, and the following year the Works Progress Administration of the Roosevelt administration initiated a state library project, the purpose of which was to provide statewide library service as a demonstration which would hopefully inspire state and local funding after the Federal project had ended.
     Margaret Davies, the state director of women's work of the WPA, spoke to SCLA at its 1935 meeting in Rock Hill and received the endorsement of the group. She also asked Fanny Taber, SCLA President, for the name of a good director and was given that of Ida Belle Entrekin, who proved to be an excellent choice.
     It was also at this 1935 meeting that the first junior librarians group was formed. Margaret Wright asked all members under thirty-five to meet with her to consider plans.
     The 1936 meeting at Beaufort was the first recorded time black librarians attended an SCLA convention. Geneva Green of Beaufort, Ethel Bailey of Frogmore, and Julia Talley of Columbia were present and offered a resolution at the end expressing their appreciation for having been asked. One of the sessions was held at the Penn School on St. Helena Island, where Northern teachers started the first school for blacks during the Civil War.
     Through the years the Association has retained an interest in South Carolina authors, but the 1938 meeting in Charleston attracted more than its share of the literary elite. The evening meeting at the Fort Sumter Hotel included an informal session with Julia Peterkin, DuBose Heyward, Clements Ripley, and Samuel G. Stoney, who served as toastmaster. Earlier William Watts Ball of the News and Courier gave the opening address.
     At the 1939 meeting Lucy Hampton Bostick announced plans for the State Library Board to seek a twenty-five thousand dollar appropriation from the Legislature. SCLA voted to become a member of the Citizens Library Association and held a joint meeting with that group. It also extended a vote of thanks to Mary Frayser for obtaining a state grant of one thousand dollars to secure the services of Dr. Helen Gordon Stewart, an expert on library extension, who had come to campaign for state aid. The eminent historian Dr. Charles Beard addressed the group and the entire state over a radio-hookup with WIS.
     Archibald MacLeish, Librarian of Congress, ushered in the new decade with a speech before a joint meeting of SCLA and the Citizens Library Association in Greenville in 1940. With war raging in Western Europe, MacLeish implored his audience to take an active part in educating Americans on the importance of democracy.
     By the time of the 1942 meeting in Columbia the state still had not provided substantial aid. Dr. Louis Round Wilson, professor of the University of North Carolina Library School gave an assessment of state aid to libraries in the Southeast and reported that although progress had been made, two-thirds of the money still came from the WPA. Furthermore, it was obvious that blacks did not receive their share.
     1942 also marked the first SCLA appearance of Estellene Walker, then librarian of the Eighth Division Library at Fort Jackson, who participated in a discussion on the public library's role in the war effort with Ellen Perry of the Greenville County Library. Four years later, after a tour of duty in Europe, Miss Walker would succeed Nancy Blair as Executive Secretary of the State Library Board and go on to play a pivotal role in the extension of public library service throughout the state.
     A breakthrough in the campaign for state funding finally came in 1943, with two appropriations for library extension totaling eighteen thousand dollars. The money came just in time, as the WPA Library Project came to an end.
     The granting of the first significant state aid seemed to mark a turning point for libraries and SCLA. At the 1944 meeting President Lewis Branscomb announced that the Association was now affiliated with ALA. Carl Vitz, ALA president, spoke to the group, challenging them to assist in the readjustment of returning servicemen as the war ended.
     Another sign of progress was the publication of the South Carolina Library Bulletin, a joint effort of the State Library Board and SCLA which appeared for the first time in January, 1945. In its April issue came the news that the state's librarians were being asked to participate in the "Library Development Fund," a national campaign to have the Federal government allocate surplus Army books on the basis of rural population and provide additional funds to state library agencies.
     South Carolina librarians were asked to contribute nine hundred dollars to fund an ALA Federal Relations Office in Washington, and the SCLA Executive Committee named Mrs. A. M. Wylie, Jr. (Ida Belle Entrekin) as the coordinator of the state publicity committee. Although never successful, this campaign paved the way for the passage of the Library Services Act in 1956.
     In 1946 SCLA voted to participate in a survey of library facilities and needs of the Tennessee Valley Library Council. Two years later Alfred Rawlinson, Chairman of the South Carolina committee, reported that "in no instance does a group of (South Carolina) libraries achieve even minimum recognized standards for its type."
     Progress was being made, however. In December, 1948, the South Carolina Library Bulletin reported that public library bookstock had risen from 620,500 to 907,766 volumes in the last five years and that expenditures had risen from $274,373 to $526,186. An additional 175,793 people were being served.
     Mitchell Reames, SCLA President, reported in the same issue that membership had doubled in the last year, to 290 personal and institutional members.
     One of the hindrances to effective library service was the lack of qualified librarians. In 1952 SCLA established a student loan fund for graduate library study. A large contribution came from the old Citizens Library Association through Mary E. Frayser.
     The 1953 SCLA meeting in Columbia centered on the new theme of "Freedom of Information." Tommy Dora Barker of Emory University discussed the responsibilities of librarians and trustees, and Wayne Freeman of the Greenville Piedmont spoke on newspaper censorship.
     Since the passage of ALA's Library Bill of Rights in 1939, librarians had
become champions of intellectual freedom, a role they had not always held, and which occasionally clashed with their traditional emphasis on "good" book selection.
     In 1956 the State Library Board and SCLA found themselves on both sides of the censorship issue. First, the Board stood accused of censorship when an enterprising young reporter for the Florence Morning News, with the help of a disgruntled local board member from a small library in the Pee Dee Region, discovered a list of children's series books, including the Bobbsey Twins, which several years earlier the Board had strongly suggested should be removed from circulation. Then the same library produced a copy of a children's picture book called The Swimming Hole, by Jerrold Beim, which depicted black and white children swimming together, revealing that the book had come from the Board's state aid books.
     Members of the Legislature called for investigations, and, regarding the Beim book, passed a resolution calling on the Board to remove all books "antagonistic and inimical to the state's customs and traditions."
     SCLA countered with resolutions supporting the Board, and President Robert Tucker of Furman University and Vice-President Charles Stow of the Greenville County Library testified in the Board's behalf. As much about local vs. state control as they were about censorship, these issues quickly died after the Board removed the Beim book from its collection.
     1956 also saw progress on two fronts. Congress passed the Library Services Act, which launched a long period of Federal support for library demonstration, construction, professional training, and expanded services for the handicapped and disadvantaged. In May SCLA published the inaugural issue of the South Carolina Librarian, with J. B. Howell of Clemson College as its first editor.
     The new journal reported news and offered a vehicle for expanded reporting of meetings and library developments. In 1958, for instance, it reported a summary of events of the first National Library Week, as South Carolina libraries participated in a new program of library advocacy.
     The 1960s would bring new challenges, as well as fresh responses to old ones. In 1960 the Public Library Section joined forces with the State Library Board to sponsor the first summer junior intern program, an effort to attract promising young people into the library profession.
     1962 marked a turning point in the affairs of the Association as the first black members attended the annual convention in Greenville. The previous year ALA had asked several Southern state library associations to clarify their positions on black membership. SCLA's constitution did not limit membership by race, but the fact that there were no black members caused ALA to ask that the Association certify its stance. In the November 4, 1961 President's Report, Nancy Jane Day confirmed that membership would be open to any interested person who paid dues.
     It was fitting that Miss Day be the one to announce the end of segregation, as she had participated for many years in the meetings of the library section of the Palmetto Education Association, the professional group attended by black librarians.
     Segregation laws restricting access to public accommodations must have made attending that first convention a difficult proposition for black members. Barbara Williams-Jenkins, Director of the South Carolina State College Library, reports she could not stay in Greenville's Jack Tar Hotel, which served as convention headquarters, but was instead required to stay at the Ghana Motel. The correspondence of President Jessie Ham also reveals that SCLA had to struggle with hotel rules forbidding black attendance at meetings at which food was served.
     Three years later the Jack Tar served as the site of another important convention marking the fiftieth anniversary of SCLA. At the banquet President Susie McKeown read a brief history of the Association and recognized Elizabeth English, former University of South Carolina associate librarian and only surviving charter member. Then the lights were dimmed and a huge white and gold birthday cake lit with many candles was rolled to the center of the room and cut. Prior to the convention, Treasurer George Linder announced that SCLA had attained a membership of 500.
     1965 also witnessed the first Governor's Conference on Public Libraries, co-sponsored by the Trustees Section and the State Library Board and directed by Jean Galloway and Betty Callaham. In the 1960s and 1970s SCLA participated in several publishing ventures designed to preserve the state's heritage. The first was John Hammond Moore's Guide to Research Materials in South Carolina, published in 1967. A reprint project, first conducted in 1971, identified classic out-of-print South Carolina titles which were republished by the Reprint Company of Spartanburg. Two other projects, an index to Sandlapper magazine and a South Carolina writers map, were the work of the newly formed Junior Members Roundtable.
     Encouraged in their efforts by J. Mitchell Reames, JMRT had met for the first time at the 1969 convention and received section status the following June. In addition to its publications, this group would provide several future presidents of SCLA.
     In 1972 President Mitchell Reames reported that the Association's membership had reached 795, which was more than that of the Southeastern Library Association some twenty years earlier. Three years later membership would reach the all-time high of 1105.
     This growth in membership reflected the overall progress which libraries in South Carolina had been making. To measure this progress and determine other needs, SCLA joined forces with SELA in 1973 to compile statistics for the Southeastern States Cooperative Survey, the first comprehensive analysis of library resources since 1946.
     The computer age was coming to libraries, and South Carolina was in the forefront. The Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) held its organizational meeting in The University of South Carolina's Capstone House in Columbia in 1973, and Kenneth Toombs, USC Library Director, was elected to the executive committee. The University was one of three institutions which contributed funds to start the new network.
     During the early 1970s the Nixon administration attempted to cut funding for the Library Services and Construction Act, the expanded program of Federal support which had been in effect since 1966. SCLA responded through the work of its ALA councilor and a more active Federal Relations Committee. Members wrote letters and regularly attended the ALA Legislative Day which was held in Washington every spring.
     "From Chapbook to Databank," the theme of the Association's fiftieth convention in 1976, indicated the range of interests which librarians now shared. Charles Stevens, SOLINET's Executive Director, spoke on the network's history and future directions.
     In 1976 SCLA also gave its first Friend of Libraries Award to Jean Galloway Bissell, who had served as a member of both the Greenville and Richland County Library Boards. In the coming years SCLA would extend its awards program to include recognition for library school students, new librarians, and established professionals.
     The 1977 convention featured a presentation by faculty members of the University of South Carolina College of Library and Information Science. Dean William Summers, Elspeth Pope, Daniel Barron, and Charles Curran spoke on the topic "Librarians are people, too--Education for Librarianship in South Carolina." Since its founding in 1970, the College has done much to meet the state's needs for qualified librarians.
     In 1977 an ad hoc activities committee chaired by Lois Barbare recommended that the Association hire a part-time executive secretary and add "type of activity" sections to the "type of library" sections already formed. Lynn Barron was hired as the first executive secretary, and the following year sections for children and young people, library administration, public services, and technical services were added. Provision was also made for the formation of new roundtables, with the Government Documents Roundtable being one of the first newcomers.
     In 1979 the Association launched the publication of News and Views, a newsletter designed to inform members of library events in a more timely manner.
     One of its first big stories was the Governor's Conference on Libraries, held in Columbia March 15-17, 1979. A coordinated effort of librarians and library supporters from across the state, the three-day meeting attracted over 365 participants who passed forty-nine resolutions calling for better funding, access, resources, services, and library education. A representative group of delegates elected at the conference went on to the White House Conference held later in the year.
     The Association won a one thousand dollar grant from the Grolier Corporation in 1980 for the best idea for an exhibit for National Library Week. Submitted by President John Landrum and Ilene Nelson of the Spartanburg County Library, the plan called for an exhibit of photographs highlighting various library services to be placed at shopping malls in April and at regional and state fairs later in the year. The exhibit, entitled "Libraries--South Carolina's Greatest Bargain" made several appearances across the state.
     SCLA held its first joint conference with the North Carolina Library Association in Charlotte in 1981. The convention afforded an opportunity to share ideas with our colleagues to the north as well as hear a broader range of speakers.
     In 1982 SCLA assisted the Association of Public Library Administrators and the State Library in sponsoring the first South Carolina Legislative Day. Delegates have used these occasions to seek higher state funding and action on such issues as confidentiality of circulation records and library security.
     In the 1980s sections and roundtables offered more opportunities for professional growth through workshops and other programs held throughout the year. In 1983, for instance, the Intellectual Freedom Committee, along with the South Carolina Association of School Librarians and the University of South Carolina College of Library and Information science, sponsored a teleconference on intellectual freedom. Judith Krug of ALA debated representatives of the Moral Majority and People for the American Way in Columbia, and the proceedings were broadcast to technical colleges across the state. The project also included the production of an intellectual freedom handbook for use in the state's libraries.
     Computers continued to receive considerable attention. At the sixtieth annual meeting in Columbia in 1985, the State Library unveiled the South Carolina Library Network, the first phase of which was an integrated online system produced by Data Research Associates. The new network hoped to expand resource sharing between large and small libraries in the state and increase opportunities for the development of in-house computer applications.
     At its first planning retreat, held in 1986, the Association's leaders confirmed that their priorities had shifted only slightly from the days of the founders of 1915. Ranking professional growth as their first goal, they still placed public relations, government support, and library legislation high on the list. Interlibrary cooperation was a new goal, unheard of in the days when few libraries had much to share.
     In 1987, twenty-five years after the first black members attended a SCLA convention in Greenville, Barbara Williams Jenkins returned to that city as the Association's first black president. That no mention was made of the event was itself an indication of the progress that had been made.
     At the 1990 convention in Columbia SCLA will commemorate its seventy-fifth anniversary. Plans call for a celebration in the Caroliniana Library, where the first meeting was held.
     If the founders could visit today's libraries, they would be amazed at the size of collections and staffs, the well-appointed buildings, and, most of all, the new technology. They would undoubtedly be proud of the Association they had started and wish us well as we carry on their work.


    Day, Nancy Jane. Interview, 27 November 1989.

    Frayser, Mary E. The Libraries of South Carolina. Clemson: South Carolina agricultural experiment station, 1933.

    Howell, J.B. "MLA at Eighty: A Focus on Firsts." Mississippi Libraries 53 (Fall 1989): 60-67.

    Kennedy, Robert M. Public Libraries: A Need in South Carolina. Columbia: University of South Carolina, 1914.

    News and Views of the South Carolina Library Association. 1979-1989.

    News for South Carolina Libraries. 1969-1988.

    Rawlinson, Alfred. "Brief History of the South Carolina Library Association." South Carolina Library Bulletin III (January, 1948): 2-3.

    South Carolina Librarian. 1956-1988.

    South Carolina Library Bulletin. 1945-1956.

    Trager, James. The People's Chronology. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1979.

    University of South Carolina College of Library and Information Science. South Carolina Library History Project files.

    Walker, Estellene P. "So Good and Necessary a Work": the public library in South Carolina, 1698-1980. Columbia: South Carolina State Library, 1981.

    Jenkins, Barbara Williams. Interview, 31 October, 1989.

    Winthrop College Archives. South Carolina Library Association papers, Box 44 "SCLA Conventions, 1915-1949.

Following is a list of the official meetings of the Association indicating dates, the Presidents, and places in which the meetings were held.


Meeting Year President Place
R. M. Kennedy 
Oct. 27 
R. M. Kennedy
R. M. Kennedy 
Mar. 14-15
R. M. Kennedy
R. M. Kennedy
R. M. Kennedy
R. M. Kennedy
Nov. 17-18
Louise McMaster
Louise McMaster
Louise McMaster
Mar. 27-28
John Peyre Thomas, Jr.
Apr. 14-15
Charlotte Templeton
Charlotte Templeton
Feb. 22-23
Charlotte Templeton
Apr. 2-3
Mrs. Henry Lee Buck
Apr. 4-5
R. Beverly Herbert
Apr. 11-12
Ellen Perry
Apr. 9-10
Lucy Hampton Bostick
May 11-12
Ora A. Willis
May 3-4
Parmelee Cheves
Apr. 20-21
Fanny T. Taber
Rock Hill
Oct. 4-5
Cornelia Ayer Graham
May 29-30
Willard Jones
May 7-8
Fant H. Thornley
Mar. 18-19
Fant H. Thornley
Feb. 10-11
Annie Porter
Apr. 26-27
Maude Query Kelsey
Nov. 7-8
Alfred Rawlinson
Nov. 6-7
J. Isaac Copeland
Dec. 1-2
Lewis C. Branscomb
Nov. 24-25
Helen Hagan
Nov. 9-10
Mary Cox
Asheville, NC
Oct. 25
Frances Lander Spain
Oct. 1-Nov.1
Emily Sanders
Myrtle Beach
Sept. 24-25
J. Mitchell Reames
Sept 30-Oct.1
Naomi Derrick
Atlanta, GA
Oct. 14
Nancy C. Blair
May 4-5
Herbert Hucks, Jr.
Myrtle Beach
Apr. 18-19
Desmond Koster
Oct. 30-31
Lois Barbare
Oct. 29-30
Nancy Burge
Oct. 28-29
Robert C. Tucker
Oct. 26-27
Charles E. Stow
Oct. 25-26
Madeline Mosimann
Oct. 31-Nov.1
J. W. Gordon Gourlay
Oct. 30-31
Marguerite G. Thompson
Oct. 28-29
Nancy Jane Day
Nov. 3-4
Jessie Gilchrist Ham
Oct. 26-27
Elizabeth B. Foran
Nov. 1-2
Betty Martin
Oct. 16-17
Susie Norwood McKeown
Oct. 29-30
Josephine Crouch
Myrtle Beach
Oct. 5-7
Carol S. Scott
Oct. 9-11
J. Mitchell Reames
Oct. 7-9
L day
J. Frank Nolen
Oct. 13
J. Frank Nolen
Myrtle Beach
Oct. 11-13
L day
Estellene P. Walker
Oct. 4
Estellene P. Walker
Oct. 9-11
Kenneth E. Toombs
Oct. 21-23
Margaret W. Ehrhardt
Myrtle Beach
Oct. 13-15
Lennart Pearson
Oct. 12-14
Martin Pautz
Oct. 11-13
John H. Landrum
Oct. 9-11
William Summers
Charlotte, NC
Oct. 7-9
Gerda Belknap
Oct. 7-9
Paul Dove
Oct. 13-15
Drucilla Reeves
Sept. 13-15
Carl Stone
Oct. 10-12
Susan Hollifield
Oct. 30- Nov.1
Barbara Williams Jenkins
Oct. 14-6
Suzanne Krebsbach
Myrtle Beach
Nov. 9-11
Betty Callaham
Hilton Head
Nov. 15-17
Joseph F. Boykin, Jr.
Oct. 17-19
Sarah McMaster
Nov. 5-8


Publications of the South Carolina Library Association

        Bull, Mary R. Government Documents in South Carolina: a Directory of Collections of Federal, State, Local and Council of Government Publications in South Carolina Libraries. (Conway, S.C.): Government Documents Round Table, South Carolina Library Association, 1984.

       Directory of Special Libraries and Information Centers in South Carolina. (Columbia, S.C.): Special Libraries Section, South Carolina Library Association, 1982.

        Moore, John Hammond. Research Materials in South Carolina, a Guide Compiled and Edited for the South Carolina State Library Board by John Hammond Moore. With the cooperation of the South Carolina Library Association. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press, 1967.

       News and Views of the South Carolina Library Association. v. 1, no. 1 - Feb. 1979.

       Sandlapper Index. Columbia, S.C.: Sandlapper Press, 1972. v. 1-1968-1972. "Compiled and edited by the Junior Members Roundtable, South Carolina Library Association."

       The South Carolina Librarian. v. 1-32, Nov. 1956 - Fall 1988

        South Carolina Library Association. SCLA Handbook. Columbia, 1963 (2nd edition, 1969; 3rd edition, 1984).

        South Carolina Library Association. Intellectual Freedom Committee. The South Carolina Intellectual Freedom Handbook. Developed by the Intellectual Freedom Committees of the South Carolina Library Association and the South Carolina Association of School Librarians. (s.l: s.n, 1983).

        South Carolina Library Association. Junior Members Roundtable. Biographical Companion to a Map of South Carolina Writers. (Columbia, S.C.): SCLA-JMRT, 1973.

        South Carolina Library Association. Junior Members Roundtable. A Map of South Carolina Writers From the Beginning to 1972. (Columbia, S.C.: Crowson-Stone Printing Co.) 1973.

        South Carolina Library Bulletin. v. 1-10, January 31, 1945 - May 1956.

       Where the Freedom Ends: Intellectual Freedom Issues for Attorneys and Librarians, Saturday, May 21, 1988. Co-sponsored by the U.S.C. School of Law and the Intellectual Freedom Committee of the S. C. Library Association. (s.l.: s.n.), 1988.

South Carolina Library Association Awards

Friend of Libraries Award

1976 - Jean Galloway Bissell, Columbia

1977 - Arthur McGill, Greenville

1978 - Lillian Hart, Clinton

1979 - Carlisle Bean, Spartanburg

1980 - Jean E. Crouch, Saluda

1981 - B. O. Thomason, Jr., Greenville

1982 - Harriet Keyserling, Beaufort County
            Thomas Smith, Florence County

1983 - Sarah Miles Norton, Oconee County

1984 - Judy Pendarvis, Edgefield County

1985 - C. P. "Margie" Porterfield, Lexington County

1986 - Bright Parker, Gaffney

1987 - Francie Dunlap, Florence

1988 - King Dixon, Laurens County

1989 - Elma Sanders Rogers, Colleton County

Baker & Taylor Grassroots Award
(presented annually to a USC Library School Student)

1987 - Elizabeth Bonniwell

1988 - Denise Jacobs

1989 - Stephen Escar Smith

SIRS Intellectual Freedom Award

1985 - Daniel Barron, Melinda Hare

1986 - Betty Callaham

1989 - Judy Fitzerald

New Professional Award

1986 - Virginia Warr, Hartsville

1987 - Angela D. Bardin, S. C. Supreme Court

1989 - Cynthia Yarborough, Presbyterian College

Outstanding Librarian

1986 - Marvin Stewart, Charleston County

1987 - Dennis Bruce, Spartanburg County

1988 - Leslie Abrams, Clemson University

1989 - Virginia Foley Nilles, Georgetown County


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