In 1845, a second volume was printed. As that was left to the Librarian, he restored the old classification which had been set aside by Mr. Elliott. He would have done better to have followed the alphabetical order, as was done in the case of the supplements which from time to time were printed.

The arrangement of the books in a Library is a task of no little difficulty, and when executed, is always liable to the censure of critics. It is obviously proper that books which treat of the same or kindred subjects should be near each other. But even where an unexceptionable arrangement has been made, the accommodation of the Library is limited, while the number of books is indefinitely increasing. It follows necessarily that the most perfect original arrangement must become confused; so that, in order to keep the order perfect, the whole work must be done over again. In 1854, on the death of Mr. Logan, a member of the Society undertook the office until a new Librarian should be elected. He determined to re-arrange the books without, however, rigorously adopting any definite method. He took Mr. Elliott's catalogue as his general guide, and the books in the hall were arranged according to that plan; beginning on the left with theology and metaphysics, and terminating on the right with biography. Each case was lettered, as well as each shelf, and every book was labelled to designate the case and the self which it belonged. These labels were inserted on the catalogue against the titles of the books. As soon, therefore, as a book is found in the catalogue, its place in the Library is at once ascertained; and on the return of a book to the Library, the label at once designates the place it should occupy. An alphabetical catalogue in double entry, that is a place for the author and one for the title of the book, with labels of the books inserted in the catalogue, seems to be the most perfect plan yet discovered of aiding the Librarian in his search after books. The insertion of the labels, for obvious reasons, is left for the Librarian to add on his manual.

In 1848, the Society celebrated its hundredth anniversay. An address on the occasion was delivered by the Hon. James Louis Petigru, and religious services conducted by Rev. John Bachman, D.D. A hymn was performed on the occasion, composed for it by a lady of Charleston.

It is noteworthy, that during the most prosperous periods of the Society's existence, a dinner at least once a year was a regular incident, and the annual cost of dining was several hundred dollars. After the removal of the Society into their own rooms, the dinners have been discontinued. It seems an obvious truth, that the money which is subscribed for the purchase of books ought not to be spent in dinners; but it is a singular fact, that with the discontinuance of the dinners, the purchasing power of the Society has steadily diminished.

During its long corporate existence, the Society has to record the name of only one benefactor. In 1770, Benj. Smith died, leaving by his will one thousand pounds currency, (six hundred dollars), to the Society. Occasional donations of books, etc., have from time to time been made, but generally the Society has had to depend upon its own resources.

On the next page, will be found a list of the Presidents and the Librarians, with the dates of their elections.



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